Monday, May 6, 2024
IX-2280 Herb Zinser's Leakey archaeology EARTH WAR report
IX-2280 Herb Zinser's Leakey archaeology EARTH WAR report
RD-blog-number-2280 by Herb Zinser
The Leakey reports on the modern archeology WAR will eventually cover the several battlefield reports.
The information LEAK from ZINJAN base 16 Hexadecimal ...base pair of symbols HEX'AF' = 175 = Africa ...COMPUTER EARTH system 370
--> BhoPal, India and the Union Carbide secret LEAK of KEY MESSAGES in year 1984 ....with George Orwell book 1984 and the ZINJAN earth math Base 16 AFRICA equation of individual symbols --> Base 16 Hex"A" = 10 = Argonne National Labs and Hex'F' = 15 = FermiLAB .......hence we see the LEAK of the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family anthropology secrets and atomic voodoo social sciences ...that often result in tragedy .....such as the the Cole Hall oceanography shooting over George ORWELL "Oceania" or the Virginia TECH atomic English language shooting over the Department of En -->ENERGY violation of language messages..
BP --> Base Pairs of existence of symbolic genetics (GENES/gametes and the phonetics parallel JEANS ....a few types) with the living EARTH cell and its symbolic life of nouns, equations, and formula.
BP ---> Bho Pal, India year 1984 tragedy regarding the talking GAS error of the bio-physics mouth PARALLED by supersymmetry atomic physics ...the industrial GAS with the company representing the algebra set UC --> Union of carbon sets --> assigned to company UNION Carbide.
Thus we see the organic chemistry --> social chemistry WAR as displayed in the EARTH sub-continent of INDIA, ASIA , Earth.
BP --> Bho Pal --> Paleontology = Pa + leon --> Particle physics agent LEON .......Lederman. the letter/message man.
Paleontology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paleontology is the study of prehistoric life. It includes the study of fossils to determine organisms' evolution and interactions with each other ...
History of paleontology - Micropaleontology - Vertebrate paleontology
Paleontology is the study of atomic prehistoric life with LEON at FermiLAB and Illinois Institute of Technology
Pale face --> Pal /friend LEON with Max Born bio-physics awareness experiments in atomic self-awareness with EARTH LAB SPECIMEN named
Leon M. Lederman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leon Max Lederman (born July 15, 1922) is an American physicist who, along with Melvin Schwartz and Jack Steinberger, received the Nobel Prize for Physics ...
Early life and career - Personal life - Publications - See also
BP --> the failure of India science community and companies around the world .....led to a sequel to
BP --> Base Pentagon ...the military base
BHO Pal --> Base HO paleontology battle at FORT HOOD, TEXAS with biochemistry major Nidal Hasan --> NH --> chemistry symbol used in biochemistry molecules with N = Nitrogen and H = Hydrogen ............thus the DNA Nitrogenous bases WAR at Fort Hood.
BP -->British Petroleum oil LEAK --> The Gulf of Mexico LEAKEY AFFAIR and cover-up of the DEEP undercover project named: Deep Water Horizon.
Deepwater Horizon oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill , the BP oil spill (also referred to as the BP orbital spill, the BASE PAIR orbital disaster of the continuum with the UNIVERSITY SYSTEM of nonsense explanations of REALITY, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and the Macondo blowout) is an oil spill in the ...
Timeline of the Deepwater
---> President NIXON and the Watergate LEAK of LEAKEY systems
--> President Clinton and Mary Leakey .............MaryLand (State of Maryland) and Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky.
Tripp Indicted on Charges of Wiretapping - Washington Post
6 days ago – Linda R. Tripp, whose secret telephone tapes of Monica S. Lewinsky ...was indicted yesterday in Maryland on criminal charges of illegal wiretapping. ... In the calls, Lewinsky, who had been a White House intern, revealed to ...
Linda R. Tripp News - The New York Times
Commentary and archival information about Linda R. Tripp from The New York ... has asked a handful of witnesses, including Monica Lewinsky, Linda R. Tripp and ... ofMaryland decided today to drop criminal wiretap charges against Linda R.
The : Volume 2 (1999)
Apr 21, 2012 – Maryland's prosecution/persecution of Linda Tripp ...lives in Maryland and made the recordings there, Monica Lewinsky lived in ...
---> STAR WARS Leak --> Princess Leia Organa Solo and Hans Solo --> The Princeton Leak of Leakey molecules ---> organic chemistry textbook SOLOMON
Zsinj - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
Warlord Zsinj was originally created as the antagonist for Han Solo in The Courtship ofPrincess Leia, a 1994 novel by Dave Wolverton, but his character was not ...
The Courtship of Princess Leia - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki The Courtship of Princess Leia deals with the downfall of Warlord Zsinj and the circumstances leading to the marriage of Han Solo and Leia Organa. Narration ...
--> The Falk IRON GEAR factory in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and the GAS LEAK explosion .....revealing the LIES of Britain regarding the more TRUE NATURE of the FALKLAND Islands battle with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher ...the periodic atomic table governmental agent named ..the ferrous oxide IRON LADY ...the Fe = Female chemist with HEME group Fe(ii) ions in her BLOOD. British universities are proud of their political science LIES and distortions ...hence, the LIE tragedy of LIEGE, Belgium. ZERO effort is made by their intellectual doctors and professors to help understand the SCIENCE WARS.
Thus we see several CLUES to a puzzle from Name ....the ZINJAN project and its extensions into other areas of life and events on EARTH.
Thus Nature sends us a message about the BP --> the BIG PICTURE via British Petroleum, BhoPal , etc --> better known in year 2012 has the GUT theory of courage /guts think of the Grand Unified Theory project of Nature that was started about year 1453 with the printing of the GUTENBERG press ...allowing the eye/retina/optical nerve to develop ..over 500 years ... physics, math, biochemistry, astronomy, etc.
Does Nature hear about its role on GUT and TOE = Time ORDER ENTRY systems .....of the Theory of EVE .....that is ADAM and EVE .....are included in the Theory of Everything EVE evolved to EVEN integers to EVENTS to EVENT Horizon ...such as the Deepwater EVENT Horizon SIGNAL to DAMTP and the Stephen Hawking group ...... .who dare to laugh at NATURE's systems engineering projects................
consequently, the shooting tragedy by Hawkins at the WEST Road Mall, Omaha, Nebraska.
Lawyers for the victims ..can sue the BRITISH government, the BRITISH embassy for neglect and the Queen's mismanagement of her subjects ...... such as the college subject of English and Virginia TECH, the George ORWELL subject of OCEANIA at Cole Hall, NIL, DeKALB.
Requests for intellectual assistance in fixing these problems have been ignored by British and American universities ....... whose thinkers ought come down to EARTH someday....and think about the empirical data and the deeper message of some EVENTS. Cambridge University lacks a proper communications bridge ...their concept of communications is to communicate within their inbred circle. Thus ...the Russell/Whitehead theory of featherless bipeds ....... is thought of..... (thinking) birds of feather stick together. Thus ERRORS occur .... as non-conventional thoughts and explanations are overlooked by the agents for the QUEEN and her subjects: math, English, physics, Margaret Mead atomic anthropology,etc.
Thus we see the Russell/Whitehead paradox ......the juxtaposition signal posed by the proper noun assigned to agent:
Stephen Hawking........
........hen Hawk .....the battle between the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness ....chicken brain mentality of Cambridge University AND the Hawk component of the skies/ astronomy and astrophysics. Apparently, the CHICKEN...Mother HEN controls the science departments.
DAMTP - University of Cambridge
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge.
Department of lied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge.
Depart lied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge --> a goal of math life ought be to get rid of the bull-stories .
Thus ...thanks to Mary and L.S.B. Leakey for the ZINJAN discovery ....... that became like an architectural skeleton .......a project plan.......for Nature and its message processing systems .......messages awaiting aware, curious humanoids.
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